Thursday, December 13, 2012

All too quickly, came December.

Wow. This year has been one for the books! I was pregnant when it started, then came a baby. I got married and cuddled a lot. Got an awesome job and then quit said awesome job to go to nursing school. Started nursing school and made great friends. Juggled being a mommy & wife, keeping up with my crazy house, and studying for all my classes. Whew.

Now, the semester has come to an end and the year is drawing closer to it's end too. The holiday season is in full force. My house is decorated and the Chambers' are in the Christmas spirit (or at least I am, Ryan pretends to love the holidays as much as I do because he says he loves how excited I get and Cayn doesn't really know what's going on outside of his bouncy seat. Heh.)

For my first blog post I will just recap the year in pics. Ready? 3....2....1...go..

My big ol' pregnant belly. Right before we met our sweet boy, Cayn. Photo taken around the end of January.

His/our first glimpse. The phrase "love at first sight" sounds cliche, but it's the only way to describe that feeling. I've been head-over-heels ever since! March 1st.

These photos were taken the day Ryan and I got married, May 5, 2012. We eloped! And we said our "I do's" in this adorable treehouse. It was so much fun!

Cayn spent a lot of time with his crazy Uncle Zach & Uncle Logan over the summer while they were out of school. He is a lucky kid to have so many people who love him (even though he doesn't look too thrilled about it in this pic.)

C's first fireworks experiene. 7/4/12.
First trip to the Little Rock Zoo for mommy's birthday. September 27th.

Our little turkey on Halloween.

My sweet little family. December '12.
I can't believe how we have grown in just a year! It was twelve months of firsts & here's to hundreds more.

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